Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Where To Buy Idzod Boxers

Temperature Meter Telecommunication Technologies

Good day today I bring a temperature meter using PIC 16F876

This is a very basic circuit putting the NTC (sensor) directly to a microcontroller input ...

is only for laboratory and to save the note.

The higher the temperature the lower the resistance at the NTC. PTC sensors are also what would be reversed at temperatures greater resistance.

If you want to see the code in C click to read more ->

# include "16f876.h"
# device adc = 10 # fuses XT
, # use
NOWDT delay (clock = 4000000)
# include / / Needed for mathematical calculations
# include

void main () {float
tv, tr, temp, y; / / Variables
equation int16 value;
   setup_port_a( ALL_ANALOG );
   setup_adc( ADC_CLOCK_INTERNAL );
   set_adc_channel( 0 );
   do {
      value = Read_ADC();
      tv = 5.0 * value / 1024.0;
      tr = tv * 10000.0 / (5.0 - tv);
      y = log (tr/20000.0)
y = (1.0/298.15) + (y * (1.0/4050.0));
; temp = 1.0 / y;
temp temp = -273.15;
printf (lcd_putc, "\\ nT =% 04.2fC", temp) ;
} while (TRUE);}
hope you bail out.

Homemade Jockstrap Cup

Title: Telecommunication Technologies
Class Notes - ETN
1038 Teacher: Mr. Jose Campero
Transcript: Vladimir A. Vera Zalles
Universidad Mayor de San Andres

Format: pdf
Download Link: Here

practice1: Digital cable transmision
Practica2: Measure Optical Power
Practica3: Optical Spectrum Analyzer
Theme 1: Communication System Fiber Optic
Topic2: Systems CATV
Tema3: Application Protocol mobile phone carriers.

Nike Rn 56323 Backpack

telecommunication systems

1011 ETN
Telecommunication Systems
2 chapters Nauls Made by Alex Arce in 2007

Can You Get A Candidiasis Infection From Puffers

Tele 2

Title: Notes Telecommunications II - 1016 ETN

Author: Luis F. Univ Gonzales Solares

Teaching matter: Mr. Jose Campero
Format: pdf
Download Link: HERE

Chapter 1: Digital Hierarchies
Chapter 2: Applied Statistics Telecommunications
Chapter 3: Information Theory

Space Heater Circuit Breaker

Title: Control Systems

Author: Ing Amestegui Mauricio Moreno

Universidad Mayor de San Andres
La Paz - Bolivia
August 2004

Format: pdf
1. Mathematical Preliminaries
2. Mathematical Models of Dynamic Systems
feedback system
4. Systems Analysis and Design in the time domain
5. Analysis and Control Systems Design using the technique of root locus
6. Analysis and Design of Control Systems in the Frequency Domain.
7. Compensator design
8. System Design of state space

Title: PID Control dee Notes

Author: Ing Amestegui Mauricio Moreno

Universidad Mayor de San Andres
La Paz - Bolivia
January 2001

Format: pdf
Introduction 2.
feedback principle 3. PID Control
4. PID algorithm modifications
5. Integrator Windup
6. Digital Implementation
7. Operational aspects
8. Commercial Drivers
9. When you can use a PID controller?
Download Link

Saturday, April 30, 2011

What Does The Colors Of Starbucks Means

Control Systems

Good night for today I just got a forwarding mail from an assistant of the art Digital Systems 2 (TNC-821). with the following Subject: PROJECT IDEAS.

Actually I found interesting, this initiative Christian current Assistant this matter. Since many students have all the knowledge of electronic systems, and mathematics. but do not have that ability to produce and develop initiatives that ground here a little help with ideas for small projects in different areas.

ETN-821 sent by the assistant Chistian Castillo Cuqui
1 - Tic Tac Toe, Everyone knows this game, however, the implementation of this approach is that a player is the computer and other is human. Every human movement (control variable) is a computer response. We will use the technique of microprogramming.
2 - Labyrinth The labyrinth can be implemented with LEDs. The goal of the game is that the mouse find the way out alone. (The walls will control variables read by the program), so that if no step on the road to taking, identifies any other way possible.
3 - Sorting Array, is read the numbers in an array of displays (eg 10). And what is order corresponds either way up or down as desired. And the numbers show the displays in which the principle has been read.
4 - Series fibonnaci Series Series of the cousins, Series up and down, similar to any previous series. Was implemented with a processor similar to that made in the last lab, but you have to input atomatizar No data words:
5 - Other , can carry out projects using sensors, for example to control the movement of a cart (other) with sensors (proximity colors or as desired) will determine the meaning and direction .
also can be made microprocessor design projects (as well as for example the SIC) in VHDL. The control unit will be where will they be more emphasis on design.
Some more: Ideas Projects in VHDL (not necessarily for 821, there are several to micro)
1 - Resproductor of sounds stored in SRAM or DRAM.
2 - Sound recorder, record sounds in SRAM or DRAM memory.
3 - Synth Music, different music tone generator
4 - pencil paint strokes using a mouse to a color on a VGA monitor.
5 - effect guitar pedal to emulate the operation of a pedal for electric guitar.
these and more find them here I found out there adcomplab ~ / project / Final% 20Project.pdf (standard level are only ideas)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sallys Hair Extensions Sallys Hair Extensions

Airy studio and Cristobal Vila. Draughtsmen and Drawing Forum

Airy studio and Cristobal Vila .- Years ago, that without knowing the author, know their works. After time and fate reconnects us at least owe you a post.

eterea estudio 3d max

His first book has to do with Escher.

The Wonderful video of the Arab world Isfahan.

And the wonder of the "golden number" translated into geometry.

The geometric possibilities, mathematics, technical drawing analytical three-dimensional level, spatial divisions, mapped and rendered, animation, environments, and motion lights are synthesized these wonderful works of art virtual ...
mainly used to model mode. And if an illustration, I also do the work of texturing, lighting and rendering within this program.

If I have to make an animation I take the geometry Cinema4D I apply materials, lights, movements and define all other events of the animation, and rendering.

for creating the textures using Photoshop, Illustrator also supported for the most "geometric."

also do in Photoshop post-production of images. But if this is a animation I'll take everything in AfterEffects. Video editing is done with Premiere.

For many years I used a fairly little-known program for my projects, ElectricImage (or EIAS3D as now called), but some time I have left.

I want more. Draftsmen

Thursday, April 21, 2011

How To Decorate A Betta Bowl

technical, technical studies. Construction details Autocad

Technical Drawing Forum and technical studies. Good morning to all present you with great joy and pride to one of the forums and portals concerning technical drawing, delineation, and technical studies in Spain Autocad.

Many of the possibilities and options for consultation are as follows .-

delineation Portal
delineantes dibujo tecnico

Forum delineation and autocad.
foro delineación

Computer Aided Design AutoCad

Questions and inquiries about
AutoCad 3D Studio
Questions and inquiries about 3D Studio
Doubts and questions about Block and Revit
Forum to share details of CAD blocks and

Delineation Studies

Senior Technical and Application Development Construction Projects.
Senior Technical Project Development and Operations Urban Surveying
Project Development Facility Flow, Thermal and
TSDPM Maintenance Technician
Project Development TSCM
Mechanical Technician
Metal constructions
Design Technician and Publishing.
Technician in visual arts and design illustration

Friday, April 8, 2011

Laser Fx Bowling Handleiding

Construction details in architecture and Autocad 2012, What are they?.

Details are drawings explaining how to build a foundation, a pillar, a curtain wall or deck. Generalmete comply with the rules or CTE NTE. There

libraries dwg or dxf to avoid having to draw or to simply modify our way of building. CYPE is the company that is dedicated to plunder the job selling those pictures. Sale1 and venta2 of CYPE.

Revit Architectural and include routines to draw Comfortable?, Autocad better than insurance. With just do a search on google images we see referred to these drawings.

detalles constructivos

But you know the possibilities offered by these forms of construction guarantees the legislation, in solder and bolts or concrete and rebar and that's of course professional. The bundle of metal beams is essential among many other things.

As icing on this cake a portal to view and construction details will download in Autocad

detalles constructivos autocad

Bi Husband At Glory Hole

PROJECT IDEAS monostable and astable multivibrators

serve this small contribution for those who are studying the art electron pulses .. because these concepts have to drive very well ..
also know all "memory" of the powerful 555 in astable mode, one shot, also the internal structure it has. Monostable circuits

pdf download it here
laboratory Multibibrador (lab guide - resolved) here
shot devices download it here
555 Timer summary description
Article Neoteo of 555 here

BJT TRANSISTOR APPLICATION: This pdf is super recommended and is a document that I lost but a colleague sent him again, so do not miss ... Greetings

get it here, and go fast nomas that I have work to do ...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Simi Garewal In Mera Naam

MEASUREMENT IN AUTOCAD 2012. In this post measurement Autocad 2012 we see or propose different ways of facing wing measurements of projects in Autocad 2012.

Few people understand the ease and difficulty involved in measurement generally within Autocad. It is usual to use these data provided the map in Autocad, linking it to a loan package for measurement. (Pdf PRESTO and DWG MEASUREMENT ) In my opinion light years away from something comfortable and easy to use.

usual data of a measurement are

a) Counts of devices and blocks (carpenters, air conditioners, radiators, etc)
b) lengths (lines and polylines, to measure or meter diameter pipes for wiring)
c) Areas (and draw them on the ground and perimeter areas with wall height get less surface holes wall)
d) Volumes (for clearing and excavation, concrete, slabs and weights in general)

And our problem is how to extract these data conveniently in autocad?


How to move forward with a measurement?.
can use the old account or see profits and opportunities we have today in Autocad.
Now I do not understand the complexity of using them and because there is no basic standard tools within the program.

Let's talk about what gives us Autocad and how to transcribe their use for measurement.
For Autocad measurements are:

Object Properties. Listed in the taskbar.
This property is a book that can be extracted in a field or in a
TEXT fields can be listed in TABLES
The BLOCKS are used to make counts. Listed invisible dry or insert attributes within.
attribute extraction can be performed on a table.
tables are exported to Excel for convenient measurement using PivotTable, which grouped by total discretion and add the required property.

And these elements can manage the needs of measurements and measurement in AutoCAD 2011.

But what knowledge I have time to recoup these measurements do with Autocad.
This is difficult, laborious and pain in the ass, which made us all behind. I'm not that ye are going to teach in a post to do so, but if I can comment as I do. Measurement Example

radiators. We use

NAME blocks for classification, and attributes "number of elements" and "cost" for measurement. Once inserted. It extracts the information into a table. That can be passed to and use Excel pivot tables to their sums sorted by name.

We can see this video of Fernando Montaño explaining:

such lengths to diameter copper tube 15 to get their lengths.

For each polyline extract the data of its field "length" (which makes 19.5% of users). This option is far better to consult one to one property on the property bar (which is what makes 80% of people). Still

lost some time and here is where knowledge LISP routines can be done to remove this value to a text length. And having other routines that add the texts to get the total number. So these values \u200b\u200bis recorded text written in a layer called measurement diametro15 copper tube. (Make it 0.5% of users and as comfortable as my opinion and is recorded in the drawing and in his cloak Measuring well sorted)

For volumes must have knowledge of 3D topography example out of your 3d and 3D volumes of excavation and interfere volume take the property.

Other possibilities are free softwares that work to take measurements with autocad but I do not recommend that let you decide for themselves podais

Inner cad software and arqmida rarest

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Southpark On Ipod Online Watch

MEASUREMENT IN AUTOCAD 2012 autocad Humor Video

That humor is spent on autocad.

I prefer the command silly jokes.

what he says to another polyline polyline ?.... Give me pasta or become a _explode

One day a macro button is a autocad lisp and says "let me see your source code?, Replied that nothing .- Siqueiros something _appload

Van 2 splines for space role and tells the uy q other's cold and the other tells FRIGHT Q Aaahh, a spline q speech, Jaja

A spline insults another hears you're a bit bicubic is not it, because I'm not the daughter rather quadratic. Unlike other using curved to look like something.

Friday, March 25, 2011

How Many Pc Can I Run Fsx On

vhdl examples (part 7) Laboratory reports penultimate

Good day ... I hope you super fence ... well this is our penultimate delivery of basic examples in VHDL
would fail only perform sequential machines mealy and moore ... the last delivery of these examples show .. they are relatively simple, well-placed only with the clock event (rising edge) ...

Example 22:
Designing in VHDL, a 4-bit up counter with 1Hz clock.
example published in
--------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -
- 4 bit up counter with 1 Hz clock
- Author: Americo Alvarez S.
- Date: March 5, 2011
- Module Name: counter_4b_1hz
- Description:
- After seeing the great disadvantage of the clock
- - had the counters when
implement - in fpga card. We saw the need to implement
- a counter with frequency f = 1Hz.
- The output is the binary observed in LEDs.
- Abstract:
- Vercion: vercion 0
- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
library IEEE;
counter_4b_1hz is
Port (clock_50Mhz: in Std_logic; reset: in bit;
counter_4b_1Hz END;

clkout: std_logic;
CONSTANT max: INTEGER: = 50000000;
CONSTANT half: INTEGER: = max / 2;

- 1Hz clock signal generating frequency

UNTIL clock_50Mhz'EVENT and clock_50Mhz = '1';
   IF count < max THEN count <= count + 1;
      ELSE count <= 0;
   END IF;
   IF count < half THEN clkout <= '0';
      ELSE clkout <= '1';
   END IF;

--contador 4 bits ascendente
   VARIABLE cuenta: INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 15;                                                     
   IF (reset='1') THEN
   ELSIF (Clkout'EVENT AND clkout = '0 ') THEN
account: = count +1;
F \u0026lt;= count;
END rtl ;

Example 23:
Designing in VHDL, a 4-bit up counter with 1Hz clock, which displays output in hexadecimal number 7-segment display
-------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -
- 4 bit up counter with 1 Hz clock,
- leaving hexadecimal 7 segment display
- Author: Americo Alvarez S.
- Date: March 25, 2011
- Module Name: counter_4b_7seg
- Description:
- After seeing the great disadvantage of the clock
- - had the counters when
implement - in the FPGA board. We saw the need to implement
- a Counter with frequency f = 1Hz.
- The output is observed in hexadecimal display 7SEG.
- Abstract:
- Vercion: -----------------------------------------------
vercion 0.1 -------------------------------------------
library IEEE;
use IEEE . STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
counter_4b_7seg is
Port (clock_50Mhz: in std_logic; reset: in bit;
; 7SEG: OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
END counter_4b_7seg;

ARCHITECTURE rtl OF counter_4b_1hz IS

   SIGNAL clkout: std_logic;
   CONSTANT max: INTEGER := 50000000;
   CONSTANT half: INTEGER := max/2;
   SIGNAL count: INTEGER RANGE 0 TO max;

 -- generando señal clock de 1Hz de frecuencia
   WAIT UNTIL clock_50Mhz'EVENT and clock_50Mhz = '1';
   IF count < max THEN count <= count + 1;
      ELSE count <= 0;
   END IF;
   IF count < half THEN clkout <= '0';
      ELSE clkout <= '1';
   END IF;

--contador 4 bits ascendente
   VARIABLE cuenta: INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 15;                                                     
   IF (reset='1') THEN
   ELSIF (clkout'EVENT AND clkout='0') THEN
   END IF;
F <= cuenta;

    case F is
    when 0   => 7SEG :="10000001";
    when 1   => 7SEG :="11001111";
    when 2   => 7SEG :="10010010";
    when 3   => 7SEG :="10000110";
    when 4   => 7SEG :="11001100";
    when 5   => 7SEG :="10100100";
    when 6   => 7SEG :="11100000";
    when 7   => 7SEG :="10001111";
    when 8   => 7SEG :="10000000";
    when 9   => 7SEG :="10000100";
    when 10 => 7SEG :="11100010";
    when 11 => 7SEG :="11100000";
    when 12 => 7SEG :="11110010";
    when 13 => 7SEG :="11000010";
    when 14 => 7SEG :="10110000";
    when 15 => 7SEG :="10111000";
    When Others => null;
END rtl;

Well hope to be of show digital clock and timer, but will not be possible to finish the semester and I have no time ... a very helpful suggestion, if you can not design in vhdl leguaje the easiest way to present the work in laboratories simulation is to capture or schematic using quartus2 WebPack xilinx ise because simulators are schematic capture all basic components for any digital work and is only grasping the component and connecting cables or proteus as

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Yellow Brides Maids Dresses

PHYSICAL Laboratory

matter: FIS-102
Details: Lab reports
Download: download reports all here
Author: Diego Llapaco

matter: FIS-200
Details: Lab reports
Download: download reports all here
Author: Diego Llapaco

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Black Work Tattoo Artists

QMC100 Photo Cards DE2 and Spartan3

Good day I hope this helps couple decorate their reports for prior, etc etc. Sending greetings to many facu new mates. there are doing the photos.

see many more photos to make him click to read more ...