The educational software are those for education and self-learning especially those who use children and young schoolchildren, schools complement and provide support for teaching and learning process.
Everyone should have the following characteristics:
must have an educational purpose, use the computer as a medium, in which students carry out the proposed activities.
be interactive to allow a dialogue and exchange of information between the computer and the user.
Easy to use, although each program has its rules of operation.
must have an educational purpose, use the computer as a medium, in which students carry out the proposed activities.
be interactive to allow a dialogue and exchange of information between the computer and the user.
Easy to use, although each program has its rules of operation.
comply with the following functions:
tutorials Systems: are those with the students what they want to learn, through a pleasant and entertaining.
Fitness and practice, seek to reinforce previous knowledge through various exercises and learning activities. Lets put their skills and get feedback immediately after exercises.
Simulators: allow students to acquire knowledge through exploratory work, the inference and discovery learning. Attempts to model part of an almost identical replica of the phenomena of reality.
Educational games are those that have a recreational component and aims to develop skills, abilities or concepts that are woven throughout a game.
Expert systems are those that have structured knowledge according to how an expert would proceed in a given subject. Intelligent
education: those that contain the knowledge of an expert and have been created to support and guide the learning process of their users, replicating as you would an expert dedicated to teaching.
tutorials Systems: are those with the students what they want to learn, through a pleasant and entertaining.
Fitness and practice, seek to reinforce previous knowledge through various exercises and learning activities. Lets put their skills and get feedback immediately after exercises.
Simulators: allow students to acquire knowledge through exploratory work, the inference and discovery learning. Attempts to model part of an almost identical replica of the phenomena of reality.
Educational games are those that have a recreational component and aims to develop skills, abilities or concepts that are woven throughout a game.
Expert systems are those that have structured knowledge according to how an expert would proceed in a given subject. Intelligent
education: those that contain the knowledge of an expert and have been created to support and guide the learning process of their users, replicating as you would an expert dedicated to teaching.
Features to consider a quality educational resource.
should be easy to install and use, possess the necessary flexibility to manipulate the database (open source)
should incorporate updated technologies, particularly in the visual and multimedia, but without distracting or recharge of information or stimuli the screen.
must have ease of navigation.
would be desirable to include a monitoring and evaluation system.
Basic Education Software
Software Description
Clic 3.0 Software for creating interactive applications medial.
Mkinst Software that generates activities executable (exe)
Color 2.0 Software that allows
default color drawings Comeletras Software exercising letter recognition
Complete Word word completion software
Accounts ejecitación mathematical software (basic)
Divide ejecitación mathematical software (middle)
Members voice identification software (basic and preschool)
Children's Workshop identification software shapes and sounds
Lyrics Software exercising letter recognition
ABCpint Software exercising painting points
Software Description
Clic 3.0 Software for creating interactive applications medial.
Mkinst Software that generates activities executable (exe)
Color 2.0 Software that allows
default color drawings Comeletras Software exercising letter recognition
Complete Word word completion software
Accounts ejecitación mathematical software (basic)
Divide ejecitación mathematical software (middle)
Members voice identification software (basic and preschool)
Children's Workshop identification software shapes and sounds
Lyrics Software exercising letter recognition
ABCpint Software exercising painting points
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