Saturday, February 5, 2011

Men's Figure Skating Pants

booklets vhdl

today about to enter Saturday to Sunday, I hope the week I pull brought many good things, I toy happy. at least enjoyed this week more of vacation.
good in order .. to what concerns us .. I present

vhdl booklets, and literature given by teachers, or simply recommended by me .. Texts

guide, recommended by teachers:
  1. Memories Quartus2 Catedra-Tutorial; and QuartusII Schematic Design Tutorial: both tutorials are at the end of the text guide I digital systems, made by Mr. Oropeza. Where do you find them?: as the guide is full text in the photocopier on the third floor of our faculty. The whole book is highly recommended for the advance of matter TNC-601 in general.
  2. Digital Systems Design with VHDL (Serafin Alfonso Lopez Perez): book recommended by a teaching assistant, Where do I find?: in the library of the race. 621.38/p438d code.
  3. VHDL Programming by example (Douglas L. Perry): Paper literature led by Mr. Leon, digital systems II. Where do I find?: Simple download it here. The CD of the book still am looking if someone is fabor share.
Texts and recommended by me (I was difficult to get these):
  1. Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design (Stephen Brown, Zvonko Vranesic): Great book to advance the field of digital systems I, if I had to buy over here and he did, Alas, nothing in our market. Where do I find?: Simple download it here. is a heavy book (466Mb), do not got on my server for that reason.
  2. : Return of the same company Altera, brings several examples of code in vhdl for quartus2.
  3. : page with even more examples for you to learn vhdl examples. So this page as the above are in English


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